Social media director since 2017

Hi, I’m Shaylee.

My official titles have been social media manager, creative director, and head of marketing. After eight years, I am now a marketing consultant for in-house marketing managers. It sounds boring, but it’s actually quite fun and interesting. I help in-house marketing managers organize their departments and systems.

Marketing consultant, social media manager, etc.

Hi, I’m Shaylee.

My official titles have been social media manager, creative director, and head of marketing. After eight years, I started my own business, Burnt Toast Online, and now provide social media training and full-service management services.

Social Media Management and Private 1:1 TrainingSocial Media Management and Private 1:1 Training

Welcome to Burnt Toast Online, a space for the “I don’t know what I’m doing” social media manager

When I graduated from college in 2017, I was basically thrust into the world with no direction. At that time, social media managers weren’t really posting tutorials on YouTube or writing step-by-step articles. I had to learn how to do everything on my own through lots of trial and error.

Over the years, every job and client taught me something new about being an effective, confident social media marketer—not just a manager, but a marketer. I worked as the social media director at a bakery and learned how to manage a large online fanbase. Then, I became the head of social media and web design at a marketing agency, where I learned about project management. Finally, I decided to start my own business in 2023, which taught me a lot about professional content creation.

I made many mistakes during that time, but I learned something new from each one! Eventually, I started watching more YouTube videos, reading more tutorials, and creating authoritative content myself. All of these experiences helped build my skill set and my company into what they are today.

After eight years of professional social media marketing, I am now using my experience to consult with professionals who are new to our industry. If you are reading this, then that’s you!

Designed to stay small.

Designed to stay small.

Burnt Toast Online is run solely by me, Shaylee. Because of this, I only accept a limited number of consulting applications. Consulting is a relationship, and I give a part of myself to each client I work with. When you work with me, you’re working with a partner. Thank you for choosing my small business to help grow yours. I am designed to stay small but also designed to be mighty.

Explore the Burnt Toast Universe

I watched Martha Steward’s documentary on Netflix, and she talked about how she designed her business as a solar system, a core message with different “planets” or offers surrounding it. So, welcome to the BTU!

The Proof is in the Pudding


Marketing Campaigns, Exclusive First Looks, and more

Burnt Toast Unread, a newsletter

The Best Things in Life Are Free

Burnt Toast Online, a YouTube channel